  • 旅游
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)01-0103-08
  • 中图分类号:F291    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.01.016
  • 项目基金:教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金“城市休闲化的演变特征及协调发展机制研 究”(17YJC630088);上海第二工业大学旅游管理培育学科建设项目资助(XXKPY1607)。
  • 作者简介:徐爱萍(1984-),女,华东师范大学经济与管理学部博士生,上海第二工业大学经 济与管理学院讲师,研究方向为休闲产业经济; 楼嘉军(1957-),男,华东师范大学经济与管理学部教授,博士生导师,研究方向为都市旅游 和休闲娱乐管理。
  • 中国西部城市休闲化协调发展特点 及差异研究
  • Study on the Characteristics and Differences of the Coordinated Development of Urban Recreationalization in Western China
  • 浏览量:
  • 徐爱萍 楼嘉军
  • XU Aiping LOU Jiajun
  • 摘要:
    城市休闲化协调发展质量直接影响着城市居民的生活幸福感和获得感。在构建城市休闲化协调 发展评价体系的基础上,实证分析 1999-2016 年我国西部城市休闲化协调发展的特点及差异。 研究结论如下:1西部城市休闲化协调发展呈现出显著的地域不平衡性:由北向南形成了“低— 高—低”的倒“V”型空间格局 ;2总体上,西部地区各城市向着优质协调方向发展,但各城 市的进程和速度略有不同 ;3城市基础环境是制约西部城市休闲化协调发展的重要因素,西部 城市居民消费的水平和结构较为相似,休闲产业发展呈现出明显的梯队式发展 ;4社会经济发 展水平、交通基础设施、城市发展基础等因素是西部城市休闲化协调发展差异存在的重要原因。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: The quality of coordinated development of urban recreationalization directly embodies the sense of happiness and gain of urban residents. Based on the construction of the evaluation index system of the coordinated development of urban recreationalization, this paper empirically studies the characteristics and differences of the coordinated development of the western cities in the past 1999-2016 years. The main conclusions are as follows: firstly, the western city leisure development coordination degree shows obvious regional imbalance, from north to south showed "low high low" inverted "V" type of spatial pattern. Secondly, the whole city toward the high quality coordinated development. Thirdly, the urban basic environment is an important factor that restricts the coordinated development of western cities' recreationalization. The consumption level and structure of urban residents are similar; the development of leisure industry shows a significant echelon development. Finally, factors such as the level of social and economic development, the infrastructure of traffic and the foundation of urban development are the important reasons for the existence of the differences in the coordinated development of the western cities.
  • Key words: urban recreationalization; comprehensive evaluation; coordinated development; western city of China
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