- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)03-0068-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.03.010
- 作者简介:李强,男,哈尔滨工业大学城市规划硕士,华夏幸福合肥区域事业部资深规划师;
- 文化复兴视角下的城市中心区更新研究 ——以上海真如地区为例
- Study on Urban Center Renewal from the Cultural Renaissance View: A Case Study of Shanghai Zhenru Ar
- 浏览量:
- 李强 潘磊 陈蕾蕾
- LI Qiang PAN Lei CHEN Leile
- 摘要:
城市中心区作为城市经济、空间和社会发展的核心,对于城市整体的良性健康发展至关重要。目前我国城市中心区更新更关注于经济价值的发挥和公共设施的完善,缺少从文化复兴的角度探索彰显地区特色、激发空间活力、提升文化认同的更新经验。文章以上海真如副中心为例,结合地区建设和更新的实际问题,以文化复兴为导向,从文化传承和创新两个层面提出挖掘地区文化要素和重塑文化空间的更新路径。即:从历史的角度挖掘沉淀的空间和文化脉络;通过对当前社交空间形式的反思,重拾优秀的传统生活秩序;结合城市发展目标,探索地区的文化价值区段。在空间更新层面,注重以历史文化要素为触媒,重塑和重组文化空间及文化脉络;注重本土化生活空间和习俗的重构和引导;注重代表未来新文化人群的引入和空间创新。 - 关键词:
文化复兴;城市更新;城市中心区;上海真如地区; - Abstract: As the core of urban economic, spatial and social development, urban central area is very important to the healthy development of the whole city. At present urban renewal of our country more focus on the economic value and the improvement of the public facilities, lack of the renewal experience from the cultural renaissance to explore the regional characteristics, stimulate vitality space and promote cultural identity. Taking Shanghai Zhenru area an example, this essay tries to put forward the cultural elements revealing and the renewal path from the cultural renaissance. First, it suggests the spatial and cultural accumulation from a historical perspective; and through the reflection on the current "fast food culture", it aims to find out the "homesickness" space and life order in the street. In order to respond to future trends, it explores the cultural value section of Shanghai. As to the method of regeneration, it proposes to take culture as the media to improve the social and economic benefits. It also suggests paying more attention to the reorganization and reconstruction of cultural space and context; the reconstruction and guide of local residents' native living space and custom; the introduction of new cultures and space response in future.
- Key words: cultural renaissance; urban renewal; urban center; Shanghai Zhenru area
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