- 可持续发展视角下的社区居住隔离问题探析
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)03-0002-08
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.03.001
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金项目(11BSH058);国家社会科学重点基金项目(17ASH003);2015/2016年度中英联合研究创新基金博士生交流项目(留金欧[2016]6045号)。
- 作者简介:孙洁(1989-),博士,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,助理研究员;
- 从“打传”事件透视城郊新建封闭社区的社会脆弱性 ——基于合肥市一小区的实证
- A Research on the Social Vulnerability of Suburban Newly-Built Gated Communities Through ‘Dachuan’ Event: A Case Study of a Community, Hefei
- 浏览量:
- 孙洁 朱喜钢 刘风豹 余思
- SUN Jie ZHU Xigang LIU Fengbao YU Siqi
- 摘要:
从“打传”事件对合肥市一小区进行了实证研究,探讨了城郊新建封闭社区的社会脆弱性特征以及影响因素。研究表明:这类社区在建成初期存在房屋空置率高、防卫性低、住户流动性高和异质性的特征,容易被传销分子侵入,表现出较高的敏感度。由于邻里网络松散、管理非自主及共同体意识淡薄,住户、物业公司以及“打传办”应对传销分子的响应能力较低,甚至因传销犯罪干扰而脆弱性加剧。增强封闭社区防范犯罪的社会韧性一方面需要强化住房租赁管理,提高物业服务质量;另一方面需要促进居民自主管理与邻里互动。 - 关键词:
封闭社区;社会脆弱性;特征;演变机制;传销; - Abstract: The research explores the social vulnerability of newly-built common gated communities on the edge of the city and the factors, through analyzing the process of cracking pyramid selling event. It finds that at urban fringe most housings in new gated communities are vacant, with low defense capability, and the mobility and heterogeneity of residents is also high, all of which make this type of communities easily attacked by pyramid selling offenders and show high sensitivity at the beginning. Because of the loose social network, management carried out by others and low consciousness of community, the residents, companies and “Dachuanban” in this type of communities have low responsibility to pyramid selling offenders, and even become more social vulnerable when affected by them. In order to enhance the social resilience of gated communities, on one hand it is necessary to enhance the management of renting, improve the services, on the other hand more self-government and neighborhood interaction is also needed.
- Key words: gated communities; social vulnerability; characteristics; evolving mechanism; pyramid selling
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