- 乡村振兴的路径与策略研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)07-0008-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.07.002
- 项目基金:教育部人文社科规划项目:南美拉祜族传统人居建造文化及其价值研究(19YJAZH075)。
- 作者简介:吕宁兴,华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院博士;
- 贫困地区民族村寨的整体性文化保护困境与振兴发展策略
- The Integral Cultural Protection Dilemma and Revitalization Development Strategy of Ethnic Villages in Poverty- Stricken Areas
- 浏览量:
- 吕宁兴 范在予 耿虹 李彦群
- LYU Ningxing FAN Zaiyu GENG Hong LI Yanqun
- 摘要:
偏远民族地区贫困村寨大多存在发展与保护的权益矛盾。如何使稳固脱贫与振兴发展同民族文化基因可持续传承的目标得以共同实现,成为许多偏远地区民族村寨当下发展所面临的重大问题。本文在详细阐述贫困地区民族村寨文化内涵、特征及其价值的基础上,辨析贫困地区民族村寨文化的保护困境,引入整体性文化保护理念,搭建贫困地区民族村寨的振兴框架:包括从民族社会与聚落环境、人文图式与生态景观着手进行个性化与特色化的基础竞争力维育;从生态产业与产品发展、文化产业与品牌创造着手进行核心竞争力创培;从环境修复与设施完善、网络联动与区域协调着手推动一体化竞争力提升,以期实现民族贫困村寨脱困致富与振兴发展的良性循环。 - 关键词:
民族村寨;整体性文化保护;文化竞争力;脱贫脱困;振兴发展; - Abstract: The most of the poor villages in remote ethnic areas have conflicts between development and protection. How to achieve the goal of stabilizing poverty eradication and revitalizing development together with the sustainable inheritance of ethnic cultural genes has become a major problem faced by the development of ethnic villages in many remote areas. On the basis of elaborating the cultural connotation, characteristics and value of ethnic villages in poverty-stricken areas, this paper identifies the protection dilemma of ethnic villages culture in poverty-stricken areas, introduces the concept of integrated cultural protection, and builds a framework for the revitalization of ethnic villages in poverty-stricken areas, which includes the implementation of individualized and characteristic basic competitiveness maintenance in ethnic society and settlement environment, humanistic schema and ecological landscape, core competitiveness cultivation in the development of ecological industry and products, cultural industry and brand creation as well as the promotion of the integration of competitiveness in environmental rehabilitation and improvement. People construct these paths in order to realize the virtuous circle of poverty relief, prosperity and development of poor ethnic villages.
- Key words: ethnic villages; integral cultural protection; cultural competitiveness; poverty alleviation; revitalize development
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