- 乡村振兴的路径与策略研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2019)07-0016-10
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2019.07.003
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(51578351、51478281);江苏高校哲学社会科学研究重点项目(2018SJZDI124);江苏政府留学奖学金资助。
- 作者简介:雷诚,博士,苏州大学建筑学院副教授,硕士生导师;
- 苏南“工业村”乡村振兴路径研究
- The Rural Revitalization Path of the Industrial Village in Southern Jiangsu Province
- 浏览量:
- 雷诚 葛思蒙 范凌云
- LEI Cheng GE Simeng FAN Lingyun
- 摘要:
现代苏南乡村发展缘于“苏南模式”时期,大规模乡村工业化所形成的大量工业村影响至今,厂村交错、空间破碎,是东部发达地区“厂村并进”的典型代表,工业村转型发展成为新时期苏南乡村振兴的重要议题。本文基于苏南乡村工业化发展和工业村演化历程分析,比较了厂村混杂型、相邻型和分离型三种典型工业村的特征;从宏观区域层面分析工业村分布机理特征,从微观层面剖析了苏南工业村发展的现实困境。针对性提出产村融合理念,构建苏南工业村振兴策略框架,通过在镇域层面构建产村一体化单元,推进乡村工业用地整合优化;在村落层面建构产村融合振兴策略,突出服务设施复合、环境景观契合、社会网络融合,建立厂村治理协同机制,探索产村共建共治路径,助推苏南乡村的再次振兴。 - 关键词:
乡村工业化;产村融合;工业村;乡村振兴;苏南; - Abstract: Moder n r ural development in Souther n Jiangsu or iginated f rom large-scale r ural industrialization in the period of Southern Jiangsu model. The factory areas and the villages are intertwined and mixed, and the fragmentation of rural settlements is prominent. Therefore, it has become one of the key issues for promoting the new urbanization in Southern Jiangsu province and realizing rural revitalization. Based on the analysis of the rural industrialization development and the evolution of industrial villages in Southern Jiangsu, this article compares the characteristics of three typical industrial villages, i.e. mixed, adjacent and separated industrial villages. It also analyses the distribution mechanism of industrial villages from macro-regional perspective and the realistic dilemma of the development of industrial villages in Southern Jiangsu from micro-level. The article raises the concept of integration of production and village, constructing the strategic framework of revitalization of industrial villages in Southern Jiangsu, promoting the integration and optimization of rural industrial land by building integration units at the township level. By constructing the strategy of integration and revitalization of production and village at the village level, the article establishes the cooperative mechanism of industry-village governance, thought the combination of service facilities, environment and landscape, social network integration, and exploring the path of coconstruction and co-governance of industry and village.
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