- 历史遗产保护与活化再利用研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)01-0017-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.01.003
- 项目基金:广东省科学院实施创新驱动发展能力建设专项(2016GDASRC-0101、2019GDASYL-0302001)。
- 作者简介:龚蔚霞,华南理工大学建筑学院博士研究生,广州地理研究所,广东省遥感与地理信息系统应用实验室,广东省地理空间信息技术与应用公共实验室教授级高级规划师;
- 历史文化传承视角下的线性遗产空间保护与再利用策略研究——以梅州市古驿道活化利用为例
- The Study of Protecting and Reusing Sequential Heritage Space Under the Historical and Cultural Continuity Perspective: A Case Study of the Ancient Post Road in Meizhou
- 浏览量:
- 龚蔚霞 周剑云
- GONG Weixia ZHOU Jianyun
- 摘要:
南粤古驿道是构成我国线性遗产网络的重要历史文化遗产,从历史文化传承的视角研究并真实再现和活化利用古驿道的物质遗产和非物质文化遗产,促进古驿道沿线地区的发展,有利于进一步丰富国内线性遗产保护与开发的理论及实践。以梅州市境内的南粤古驿道为研究对象,提出打造集传承古色、绿色、红色于一体的古驿道线性遗产空间,并采取以线串点、连线成片的“点—线—面”三位一体的空间组织策略和“规划策划—发展建设—推广宣传”的全过程活化利用方式,推动沿线地区保护传统村落、提升人居环境、发展综合旅游,实现古驿道历史、文化、生态多元价值,以期为乡村振兴战略的落地实施提供可推广的广东经验。 - 关键词:
线性遗产;南粤古驿道;活化利用;传承性; - Abstract: “Ancient Post Road in Southern Guangdong” is an important historical and cultural heritage that constitutes China’s linear heritage network. From the perspective of historical and cultural inheritance, the paper studies the real reproduction and activation of the ancient post road’s material and intangible cultural heritage, and promotes the development of the areas along the ancient post road, further enriching the theory and practice of the protection and development of domestic linear heritage. Taking the ancient post road in Meizhou as the research object, it proposes to create a line heritage space of ancient post road that integrates heritage, green, and red. The strategy of space organization and the whole process of “planning, development, construction and promotion” activate the utilization methods, promote the protection of traditional villages, enhance the living environment, develop comprehensive tourism along the route, and realize the historical, cultural, and ecological values of the ancient post roads.
- Key words: sequential heritage; Ancient Post Road in Southern Guangdong; active utilization; continuity characteristic
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