- 历史遗产保护与活化再利用研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)01-0022-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.01.004
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目“苏南新型农村集中社区公共空间活力评价与规划对策研究”(编号:51578352);江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目“日常生活视角下居住型历史街区公共空间的异化与回归”(编号:KYCX17_2069)。
- 作者简介:周凯琦(1993-),男,苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院硕士研究生,主要研究方向为城市规划与设计理论;
- 日常生活视角下居住型历史街区的空间变动研究 ——基于典型年份POI 数据的追踪调查
- Research on Spatial Change of Residential Historic District from the Perspective of Daily Life: A Tracking Survey of POI Data for Typical Years
- 浏览量:
- 周凯琦 王勇 李广斌
- ZHOU Kaiqi WANG Yong LI Guangbin
- 摘要:
日常生活空间作为原住民生活世界的基本构成,是居住型历史街区的重要组成部分。日常生活空间的变动直接影响居住型历史街区生活真实性保护与传承。以苏州平江历史街区为例,通过典型年份的P OI 数据追踪调查,对历史街区日常生活空间分异进行可视化分析。根据不同属性的P OI 数据变动特征,分析历史街区日常生活空间变动总体特征。研究发现,平江历史街区原住民的日常居住、消费与休闲空间分别出现空心化、边缘化及碎片化的特征趋势。基于居住型历史街区生活真实性保护目标,对历史街区过度商业化及日常生活的异化进行了反思。 - 关键词:
日常生活空间;居住型历史街区;POI数据;平江历史街区; - Abstract: As the basic composition of the aboriginal life world, the everyday living space is an important part of the residential historical districts. The change of everyday living space directly affects the protection and inheritance of life authenticity in historical districts. Taking the Pingjiang Historic District of Suzhou as an example, this paper visualizes the spatial differentiation of daily life in historical districts through the POI data tracking survey in typical years. According to the characteristics of POI data changes of different attributes, the overall characteristics of daily life changes in historical districts are analyzed. The study found that the everyday living, consumption and leisure spaces of the indigenous people in Pingjiang Historic District were characterized by hollowing, marginalization and fragmentation. Based on the authenticity of life in residential historical districts, the over-commercialization of historical districts and the alienation of daily life were reflected.
- Key words: everyday living space; residential historic district; POI data; Pingjiang Historic District
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