  • 交通
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)10-0060-08
  • 中图分类号:F293    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.10.008
  • 项目基金:国家重点研发计划(2019Y F B2102503);国家自然科学基金项目(41601564);重庆市统计科学研究项目(2019KY27)。
  • 作者简介:牟凤云,重庆交通大学建筑与城市规划学院,教授; 龙秋月,重庆交通大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生; 李子辉,重庆交通大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生; 杨猛,重庆交通大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生。
  • 2005—2015年重庆市公路与土地利用格局的关系
  • The Relationship between Highway and Land Use Pattern in Chongqing from 2005 to 2015
  • 浏览量:
  • 牟凤云 龙秋月 李子辉 杨猛
  • MU Fengyun LONG Qiuyue LI Zihui YANG Meng
  • 摘要:
    重庆市38 个区县为研究对象,从公路、土地利用情况出发,采用公路发展评价指标、土地利用相关指标、交通优势度评价模型、建设用地扩张差异指数等方法模型,依次对公路与土地利用、路网与建设用地的关系进行分析。结果表明:(1)公路沿线周边未利用地减幅高达99.69%,耕地、建设用地增幅依次为369.87%、268.56%,未利用地是耕地和建设用地增加的主要来源之一;(2)高速、国道、省道、县道沿线耕地、林地、草地、水域、建设用地增加,未利用地大幅减少,综合土地利用动态度依次为13.06%、16.73%、11.56%、9.73%,土地利用程度变化率均大于20% ;(3)公路交通优势度以渝中区为中心向四周逐渐降低,建设用地扩张差异较大,中等建设用地扩张差异指数区域占比最大,为52.63%;(4)低等公路交通优势度—中等建设用地扩张地区占比最大,达42.11%,中、高度协调区域占比高达84.21%,整体耦合协调性较好。开展重庆市公路土地利用格局的关系分析,能为公路规划建设和土地可持续利用及保护提供参考。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Taking 38 districts and counties in Chongqing as the research object, from the road and land use situation, the road development evaluation index, land use related indicators, traffic dominance evaluation model, construction land expansion difference index and other method models are adopted, to analyze the relationships between road and land use, road network and construction land. The results show that: (1) The decrease of unused land around the highway is as high as 99.69%, and the increase of cultivated land and construction land is 369.77% and 268.56%, respectively. Unused land is one of the main sources of increased cultivated land and construction land. (2) The cultivated land, forest land, grassland, water area and construction land along the national highway, provincial highway and county highway increased, and the unused land decreased significantly. The comprehensive land use dynamic degree was 13.06%, 16.73%, 11.56%, 9.73%, and the land use degree changed. greater than 20%. (3) The road traffic advantage is gradually decreasing from the center of Yuzhong district to the surrounding area, and the construction land expansion is quite different. The medium construction land expansion difference index area accounts for the largest proportion, which is 52.63%. (4) Road traffic dominance - medium construction land expansion area accounted for the largest proportion, reaching 42.11%, medium and high coordination area accounted for 84.21%. The overall coupling coordination is better. The analysis of the relationship between highways and land use patterns in Chongqing can provide reference for highway planning and construction and sustainable land use and protection.
  • Key words: Chongqing; highway; land use pattern; construction land expansion
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