  • 交通安全与城市土地利用规划适应性探讨
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)11-0028-06
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.11.005
  • 项目基金:德克萨斯州立大学奥斯汀分校Good Systems基金。
  • 作者简介:黄嘉萱,美国德克萨斯州立大学奥斯汀分校,博士研究生; 焦峻峰,通信作者,美国德克萨斯州立大学奥斯汀分校,副教授。
  • 建成环境对酒后驾车事故发生频率的影响研究
  • Built Environment Factors on Driving Under the Influence Crashes
  • 浏览量:
  • 黄嘉萱 焦峻峰
  • HUANG Jiaxuan JIAO Junfeng
  • 摘要:
    以往对酒后驾车事故的发生频率的研究侧重于司机个人因素、法律制裁与事前教育。关于建成环境与此类事故之间的联系研究仍然较少。由于驾驶行为与区域环境相关,酒后驾车的发生地便可由建成环境间接体现。文章旨在从土地使用特征与社会经济人口指标这2 个方面揭示酒后驾车类事故的发生与建成环境之间的关系。以美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀市特拉维斯县为案例,通过对酒后驾车事故的实际发生频率与发生风险分析评价,得出社会经济人口层面:建成环境区域的人均收入与酒后驾车事故发生频率正相关;土地使用特征层面:独立住宅、公寓住宅、市政用地与公园用地百分比与酒后驾车事故发生频率负相关;用地混合度指数与酒后驾车事故实际发生频率正相关。独立住宅、办公用地、公园用地与酒后驾车事故发生风险负相关,而以市中心高密度环境为特征的商业用地、混合使用用地百分比、用地混合度指数与酒后驾车发生风险正相关。以此结果可对具有上述特征的建成环境区域进行有侧重点的干预,以期降低酒后驾车事故发生的频率。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Previous studies on the frequency of drunk driving accidents focused on driver personal factors, legal sanctions, and educational campaigns. Empirical research on the connection between the built environment and such car accidents remains scant. As driving behavior is related to the regional environment and local context, driving-under-the-influence(DUI) crashes can be indirectly reflected by the built environment. This article aims to reveal the relationship between the occurrence of DUI accidents and the built environment from land use patterns and socio-economic demographic indicators. Taking Travis county in Austin, Texas as an example, through the analysis and evaluation of the frequency and risk of DUI crashes, the result shows that average income of the regional environment were positively correlated with the frequency of DUI crashes; In land use pattern aspects, percent of single family house, percent of park, percent of civic use, percent of park were negatively associated with the frequency of DUI crashes. DUI crashes risks are positively correlated with highly compact urban environment factors including percent of mercial, mixed-use and higher level of land use mix. Based on this result, focused intervention can be carried out on the built environment area with the above characteristics in order to reduce DUI incidents and crashes.
  • Key words: driving-under-the-influence; built environment; land use pattern; land use mix index; crash frequency
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