- “三生空间”优化策略研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)07-0025-11
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.07.004
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“都市圈空间范围、空间模式与空间协同规划方法研究”(51978299)。
- 作者简介:黄亚平,湖北省城镇化工程技术研究中心,华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院院长,教授,博士生导师;
- 新时代“黄三角”县域城乡空间组织优化研究 ——以东营市利津县为例
- The Optimization of Urban and Rural Spatial Organization in the “Yellow Delta” County in the New Era: A Case Study of Lijin County, Dongying City
- 浏览量:
- 黄亚平 赵天如
- HUANG Yaping ZHAO Tianru
- 摘要:
县(区)作为新时代我国区域经济发展的重要基本单元,已成为推进我国新型城镇化发展的主战场。本文以“黄三角”地区的东营市利津县为例,首先梳理了新时代下县域城乡空间组织优化的主要内容与发展目标,在分析了利津县城乡发展现状中存在的城镇职能不强、经济产业薄弱、土地供需失衡等3 大客观现实问题后,提出以产业转型升级城镇职能、以村点重组集并完善乡村建设、以基础设施建设增进空间联系、以“三区三线”统筹城乡空间管制的县域城乡空间组织优化机制。同时,对利津县城乡空间提出分层次组织优化模式,分别为功能区主导的县域片区集聚化发展、特色产业引导的“镇区+ 园区” 组合式城镇空间布局与中心社区引领新型农村社区建设等3 大优化模式。本文研究通过调研现场、处理地理信息数据与文献资料阅读等多途径开展,可为未来平原地区县域城乡空间组织优化发展提供一定的实证研究基础与理论研究思路。 - 关键词:
新时代;新型城镇化;“黄三角”;县域;城乡空间组织; - Abstract: As an important basic unit of China’s regional economic development in the new era, counties (districts) have become the main battlefield to promote the development of new urbanization in China. This article takes Lijin county of Dongying city in the “Yellow Delta” area as an example. First, it sorts out the main content and development goals of the optimization of urban and rural spatial organization in the county in the new era. It analyzes the weak urban functions and economics in the current status of urban and rural development in Lijin county. Then, it proposes a county-level urban-rural spatial organization optimization mechanism for upgrading urban functions through industrial transformation, reorganizing villages, improving rural construction, improving spatial linkages through infrastructure construction, and coordinating urban-rural spatial regulation with “three districts and three lines”. At the same time, a hierarchical organizational optimization model was proposed for the urban and rural space of Lijin county, which is the agglomeration and development of county areas. The research in this article is carried out through surveying sites, processing geographic information data, and reading related literature. It can provide certain empirical research foundations and theoretical research ideas for the future optimization of the urban and rural spatial organization in the plains.
- Key words: new era; new urbanization; “Yellow Delta”; county; urban and rural spatial organization
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