- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2020)07-0075-08
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2020.07.010
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金:地表载荷作用下M T I N S A R城市地面沉降监测及时空多尺度演化规律挖掘(41671417);北京市科学基金:科技创新服务能力建设基本科研业务费(科研类)(025185305000/191)。
- 作者简介:陈仁澍,首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,首都师范大学三维信息获取与应用教育部重点实验室,硕士研究生,主要从事城市地理方面研究;
朱琳,首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,首都师范大学三维信息获取与应用教育部重点实验室,教授,主要研究方向为遥感和G I S在资源环境中的应用,地面沉降模型与风险评估,地质体随机建模;
- 多中心视角下北京市住宅容积率时空特征
- Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Residential Floor Area Ratio of Beijing from the Perspective of Polycentricity
- 浏览量:
- 陈仁澍 余洁 谢东海 朱琳 焦帅
- CHEN Renshu YU Jie XIE Donghai ZHU Lin JIAO Shuai
- 摘要:
通过夜间灯光数据识别了北京市城市主中心与子中心,以城市多中心为视角,采用空间自相关分析方法,探讨北京市住宅容积率的时空分布特征与分异规律。研究结果表明:①北京市住宅小区空间分布与北京市城市中心的空间范围具有较高的一致性;②随着时间的推移,北京市住宅小区容积率逐渐呈现显著的空间自相关性,即新建住宅小区之间的容积率相似度不断增强,反映了住宅开发时容积率的设定更加规范科学;③局部自相关分析表明北京市住宅容积率总体呈现高值(H H)集聚区被低值(L L)集聚区包围的态势,容积率高值集聚区主要分布于区位交通条件较好的三环、四环沿线及望京地区,而容积率低值(L L)集聚区主要分布于城市主中心边界及各城市子中心周边区域。 - 关键词:
夜间灯光数据;城市中心;容积率;空间自相关; - Abstract: We proposed to identify main, sub-centers of Beijing by night lighting data, and explored the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of residential floor area ratio (FAR) of Beijing by spatial autocorrelation analysis method from the perspective of polycentricity. The results show that: ①The spatial distribution of Beijing residential quarters is in high consistency with the spatial scope of Beijing urban center; ②The FAR of residence in Beijing gradually presents a significant spatial autocorrelation characteristic as time goes on. The FAR of newly-built residential quarters shows a significant spatial autocorrelation pattern, reflecting the gradual improvement of residential development and planning guidance; ③The local spatial autocorrelation shows that high-high clusters surrounded by the lowlow clusters of residential quarters FAR. With the influence of location, transportation, infrastructure construction and land price, the third, fourth ring roads and Wangjing region become the high- high clusters of residential FAR. Moreover, the low-low clusters of FAR are mainly among the boundary of the main center and each sub centers.
- Key words: night lighting data; city center; floor area ratio; spatial autocorrelation
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