- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)01-0072-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.01.011
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金:基于土壤和地下水环境风险评价的海绵城市建设模式优化研究——以苏南平原水乡地区为例(项目批准号:51608106);住房和城乡建设部2016年科学技术项目:苏南平原水乡地区海绵城市建设若干关键技术问题研究(项目编号:2016-K4-035);2015年度江苏省建设系统科技项目:低影响开发模式在城市规划体系中的应用研究(项目编号:2015ZD35)。
- 作者简介:戴忱,男,硕士,中规院(北京)规划设计公司,高级规划师;
- 海绵城市建设融入国土空间规划体系的路径与方法研究
- A Study on the Path and Method of Integrating Sponge City Construction into Territorial Spatial Plannin
- 浏览量:
- 戴忱 姚秀利 陈凌
- DAI Chen YAO Xiuli CHEN Ling
- 摘要:
海绵城市是城市开发建设的新模式,是未来城市转型发展的新趋势,将海绵城市建设融入国土空间规划体系,是优化自然资源资产配置、提高城市发展质量的迫切需求。文章首先对海绵城市和国土空间规划体系的概念进行了界定 ;其次根据一定的选择原则,形成了总体规划和详细规划落实海绵城市建设的内容体系;最后对每项海绵城市建设的规划内容给出了在具体项目中可实际操作的方法和技术要点。 - 关键词:
海绵城市建设;国土空间规划;路径;方法; - Abstract: Sponge city is a new model of urban development and construction, which is the future trend of urban transformation and development. Integrating the sponge city construction into the territorial spatial planning system is an urgent need to optimize the allocation of natural resources assets and improve the quality of urban development. This article first defines the concept of sponge city and territorial space planning system; secondly, according to certain selection principles, it forms a content system for overall planning and detailed planning to implement sponge city construction; finally it gives the planning content of each sponge city construction. The methods and technical points that can be practically operated in specific projects are discussed.
- Key words: sponge city construction; territorial spatial planning; path; method
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