- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)01-0115-05
- 中图分类号:C912.81 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.01.017
- 项目基金:西安市社科规划基金项目“新时代品质西安建设研究——基于居民获得感视角”(18WT16)。
- 作者简介:张伟,陕西师范大学哲学与政府管理学院、西安国家中心城市创新发展研究中心,博士,讲师;
- 基于获得感视角的品质城市建设研究 ——以西安市为例
- Research on Quality City Construction Based on the Sense of Gain: A Case Study of Xi'
- 浏览量:
- 张伟 田梦瑶 杨婷 雷旭
- ZHANG Wei TIAN Mengyao YANG Ting LEI Xu
- 摘要:
新时代赋予城市品质新内涵,对提升城市品质、促进品质城市建设提出新要求和新思路。城市居民是品质城市建设的重要评价主体和服务客体,居民获得感是品质城市建设的关键评价指标。研究表明,西安在经济发展、城市治理、宜居环境、对外开放、人民生活和政府服务等方面发力品质城市建设,成效和挑战并存。为加强品质西安建设效果,提升居民获得感,建议完善品质西安建设顶层政策设计、优化品质西安建设提升机制、落实品质西安建设具体措施。 - 关键词:
城市品质;获得感;提升机制;西安市; - Abstract: The new era endows the new connotation of quality city, and puts forward new requirements and new ideas for improving the quality of the city and promoting the construction of quality city. Urban residents are the important evaluation subjects and service objects of quality city construction. The residents' acquisition sense is the key evaluation factor of quality city construction. The results show, Xi'an has made great efforts in the quality city construction of economic development, urban governance, livable environment, opening up, people's livelihood and government services. The results and challenges coexist. In order to strengthen the effect of quality Xi'an construction and enhance residents' acquisition sense, we need to improve the top-level policy design of quality Xi'an construction, optimize the mechanism of quality Xi'an construction promotion, and implement specific measures of quality Xi'an construction.
- Key words: urban quality; sense of gain; promotion mechanism; Xi'an city
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