- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)11-0072-05
- 中图分类号:TU984.12 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.11.011
- 作者简介:周珂慧,北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司长三角分公司,一所所长,高级规划师、国家注册城市规划师;
- “微机构化”与“去机构化”: “9073”思辨与医养社区构建 ——以昆明大健康产业及医养社区为例
- “Micro-Institutionalization” and “De-Institutionalization”: “9073” Reflections and the Construction of Medical Care Community: A Case Study of Kunming Great Health Industry Demonstration Zone
- 浏览量:
- 周珂慧 相秉军
- ZHOU Kehui XIANG Bingjun
- 摘要:
当下我国养老服务仍以大型院所机构为主,伴随着复合型照护需求的逐年提高,社区化的医养服务急缺。基于“9073”养老政策的再思考,文章尝试探索医养融合的路径,以构建“医、养、护、康”的产业多元闭环的方式,实现社会认同;其次,营建社区嵌入式的微型养老服务综合体,用“微机构化”的手段实现基层社区的服务下沉;最后,扁平医护网络顺应“去机构化”趋势,通过搭建社区医护交往平台,培训全日照护人员来满足全龄友好需求,以期为建设健康中国、重构社区生态提供思路。 - 关键词:
社区构建;医养融合;服务下沉;“9073”工程;昆明; - Abstract: At present, the elderly care service in China is still dominated by large hospitals and institutions. With the increasing demand for compound care year by year, community-based medical and nursing services are in urgent need. Based on the rethinking of “9073” endowment policy, this paper explores the construction of medical and nursing communities: medical and nursing integration, construction of multiple closed-loop industries, exploration of “medical, nursing, health” industry embeddedness and social identity; service sinking, realization of grass-roots community ecology, construction of community embedded micro endowment service complex. Finally, the flat medical care network conforms to the “deinstitutionalization” trend by building a community medical care exchange platform, training full-time care personnel to meet the friendly needs of all ages and providing reference for the construction of a healthy China and the reconstruction of community organizations.
- Key words: community construction; medical and health integration; service sinking; “9073”project; Kunming
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