- 传统村落的保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)11-0016-07
- 中图分类号:K928.5 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.11.003
- 项目基金:2018年教育部人文社科青年基金项目:江南传统村落记忆场所的挖掘与活化——基于社交媒体的艺术设计方法研究(18YJC760029)。
- 作者简介::霍珺,江苏大学艺术学院环境设计系副教授,研究方向为建筑遗产保护与再生;
- 基于微博数据的传统村落记忆场所研究 ——以苏州明月湾古村为例
- Study on Memory Places of Traditional Villages Based on Microblog Data: A Case Study of Mingyuewan Ancient Village in Suzhou
- 浏览量:
- 霍珺 李月 刘佳
- HUO Jun LI Yue LIU Jia
- 摘要:
社交媒体已成为新的记忆方式,为传统村落挖掘承载集体记忆的历史场所提供了新的数据来源和路径。文章初步探索了基于微博图片、文本数据进行记忆场所研究的方法和技术,以内容分析法为主,从空间维度的场所信息与时间维度的记忆信息两方面进行分析。选取苏州明月湾古村作为案例,通过场所与记忆关联分析总结记忆场所类型,为村落的保护开发提供依据和指导策略。研究结果验证了这一路径为新技术条件下记忆场所研究展现了新的可能。 - 关键词:
微博数据;传统村落;场所;记忆;明月湾; - Abstract: Social media has become a new way of memory, providing the new data source and path for traditional villages to mine historical places bearing collective memory. This paper initially explored the methods and technologies of memory place research based on images and texts of microblog, mainly through content analysis, from two aspects of space dimension place information and time dimension memory information. The ancient village of Mingyuewan in Suzhou was selected as a case, and the types of memory places were summarized through the correlation analysis of places and memories which provided basis and guidance strategies for the protection and development of the village. The results show that this path is a new possibility for the study of memory places under the condition of new technology.
- Key words: microblog data; traditional village; place; memory; Mingyuewan
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