- 产业与经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)11-0127-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.11.020
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目“演化经济地理视角下创意产业空间演化动力机制研究”(71373119);江苏省社会科学基金项目“全域旅游视域下基于游客体验的江苏旅游公共服务体系转型升级研究”(17GLC004);中央科研基本业务费“文化地理学视角下工业遗产转型与演化机制研究”。
- 作者简介:赵政原,东南大学人文学院讲师,主要研究方向为工业遗产、演化经济地理学。
- 日本地方城市振兴视角下的工业遗产转型机制:以北九州市为例
- Industrial Heritage Transformation Mechanism from the Perspective of Regional Development in Japan: A Case Study of Kitakyushu City
- 浏览量:
- 赵政原
- ZHAO Zhengyuan
- 摘要:
工业遗产在日本地方城市振兴中起着重要的作用,相较于早期基于科学研究和文物保护的工业遗产普查,近年来日本从中央到地方均普遍将工业遗产视作重要的产业资源和促进地方经济振兴的新引擎。文章在对日本工业遗产政策的演进进行了梳理的基础上,以日本传统工业城市北九州市为例,探讨了其城市产业转型背景下的工业遗产保护、利用以及旅游开发过程,并具体讨论了工业遗产转型的3 种模式:企业博物馆、地方公共设施和旅游商业设施。 - 关键词:
地方城市振兴;工业遗产;工业旅游;北九; - Abstract: Industrial heritage plays an important role in the revitalization of local cities in Japan. Compared with the early industrial heritage census based on scientific research and cultural relics protection, in recent years, industrial heritage is generally regarded as an important industrial resource and a new engine to promote the revitalization of local economy in Japan from the central to local. Based on the analysis of the evolution of Japan's industrial heritage policy, this paper takes the traditional industrial city of Kitakyushu as an example to discuss the process of industrial heritage protection, utilization and tourism development under the background of its industrial transformation, and specifically discusses three modes of industrial heritage transformation: enterprise museum, local public facilities and tourism commercial facilities.
- Key words: regional development; industrial heritage; industrial tourism; Kitakyushu city
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