- 城市空间失配问题探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)06-0035-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.06.006
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金“公平和可达双重维度下的大城市公共交通实质性优先分析方法与优化”(51778277)。
- 作者简介:席东其,男,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生;
- 基于手机信令数据的城市交通公平性评价 ——以昆山市为例
- Urban Traffic Equity Evaluation Based on Mobile Phone Signaling Data: A Case Study of Kunshan City
- 浏览量:
- 席东其 朱乐 张改 石飞
- XI Dongqi ZHU Le ZHANG Gai SHI Fei
- 摘要:
日常出行是每个人获取发展权的重要手段,随着经济的发展和时代的进步,公共基础设施均等化已成为人们关注的重要问题,交通公平也成为各个领域研究的热点课题。为促进交通公平、制定更加合理的交通规划与政策,文章以昆山市为研究对象,基于手机信令数据和高德地图API(application programming interface,应用程序编程接口)出行时耗数据,运用加权平均的可达性和泰尔指数,对昆山市交通公平性问题进行了深入分析。研究发现,在同一研究单元内公共交通可达性低于小汽车交通,但公共交通公平性优于小汽车交通,即交通建设关注了公共交通公平而忽视了效率;在同一种交通方式中,公平性在空间上均呈现出中心城区高四周低的分布态势,且空间公平性差异主要是由控规单元之间可达性水平的差异导致。根据研究结论,建议昆山进一步优化公共交通基础设施空间布局,并采取公交提速等措施,实现公平与效率兼顾,提升公共交通的竞争力水平。 - 关键词:
手机信令数据;泰尔指数;可达性;公平性;昆山; - Abstract: Daily travel is an important means for everyone to obtain the right to development. With the development of the economy and the progress of the times, the equalization of public infrastructure has become an important issue of concern. Traffi c equity has also become a hot topic in various fi elds. To promote traffic equity and develop more reasonable transportation plans and policies, this paper takes Kunshan city as the research object, based on mobile phone signaling data and Gaode map API travel time consumption data, using weighted average accessibility to conduct traffi c equity analysis based on Theil index, and various modes of travel in Kunshan city. The study found that the public transport accessibility in the same research unit is lower than that of car traffi c, but the equity of public transport is better than that of car traffi c, that is, the public transport is fair and the effi ciency is neglected. In the same mode of transportation, equity presents a high four-week low distribution in the central urban area, and the spatial equity diff erence is mainly caused by the diff erence in accessibility levels between cell units. According to the research conclusions, it is recommended that Kunshan further optimize the spatial layout of public transportation infrastructure, and adopt measures such as bus speed increase to achieve equity and effi ciency, and improve the competitiveness of public transportation.
- Key words: mobile phone signaling data; Theil index; accessibility; equity; Kunshan
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