  • 新消费社会和城市空间
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2021)09-0020-08
  • 中图分类号:K901.2    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2021.09.003
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(52078197)。
  • 作者简介:周恺,湖南大学建筑学院副教授; 张海涛,湖南大学建筑学院硕士,广东省城乡规划设计研究院有限责任公司助理规划师; 夏依宁,湖南大学建筑学院博士研究生; 刘冲,北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司规划师。
  • 社交媒体影响下的城市消费空间新特征:以小红书长沙“网红打卡地”为例
  • New Urban Consumption Space Shaped by Social Media: A Case Study of the Geo-Tagging Places of Changsha on Xiaohongshu
  • 浏览量:
  • 周恺 张海涛 夏依宁 刘冲
  • ZHOU Kai ZHANG Haitao XIA Yining LIU Chong
  • 摘要:
    文章利用小红书“打卡”笔记数据,探索性地分析社交媒体长沙城市消费空间的影响,讨论虚拟消费社会空间的新特征。研究分析发现长沙小红书上的“网红打卡地”笔记存在大量的重复,从存留笔记的残留和消失轨迹看,平台内容呈现“滚动式更新”特征。小红书推送的打卡地形成“商业地标”“旅游名片”“历史街巷”“休闲娱乐”“餐饮美食”“文化公园/ 艺术场馆”“特色小店”七大类型,并在空间上集聚成“核心”和“外围”两大圈层。分析的数据样本中,小红书的用户—笔记数分布呈典型的 “长尾分布”,即拥有极低值的个体数量总和却占总体的绝大多数,“分众”特征明显。同时,其“头部用户”发布内容涉及商业消费空间居多,不同程度体现企业运营和团队营销特征。从对长沙小红书网红打卡地”探索分析看,社交媒体成功拓宽了城市消费空间的层次和领域,构建了一个复合“个性”与“从众”的新消费空间,并涵盖了极大的消费者社会阶层跨度。研究指出网络空间和实体空间二者的叠置与传导不断刷新时空观,对新的消费空间现象的理论解释和实证分析迫切需要开创性思考。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Using the geotagged data collected from the popular lifestyle-sharing APP Xiaohongshu, this paper aims to explore a new urban consumption space that is largely shaped by this phenomenal social media. The overly redundant content recommendations on Xiaohongshu were updating in a scrolling pattern, in which old contents are constantly replaced by the new ones. Aggregations of its geo-tagged notes appear at some selective commercial real estates, tourist attractions, historic streets, recreation sites, food & cuisine shops, places of arts & life style, and clusters of stores for niche consumption in the case city Changsha, with a large cluster in the central city and scattering hot spots on the periphery of it. It is observed in the data sample that user-notes ranking follows a “long-tailed distribution”, in which 70.1% of the contents were contributed by 92.7% of users who only shared 1 or 2 notes during the 12 days period, a typical demassified media. Meanwhile, the contents of the leading contributors show a strong influence on commercial interests. To summarize, the impacts of the new social media have both deepened and expanded the scale and scope of urban consumption space, created a consumption space that is both for mass and niche groups, and included consumers across social strata. This paper urges that the new time-space created by the transduction of “the real” and “the virtual” requires more attention from academia.
  • Key words: geo-tagging; social media; urban consumption space; Changsha; Xiaohongshu
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