- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)07-0094-07
- 中图分类号:C93 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.07.014
- 作者简介:蔡强,博士,英国阿伯丁大学法学院助理教授;
- 双碳目标下平台治理对气候变化的影响及应对策略 ——以阿里巴巴碳中和行动为例
- Impact and Countermeasures of Platform Governance on Climate Change under Carbon Peak and Neutrality Goals: A Case Study of Alibaba Carbon Neutrality Action
- 浏览量:
- 蔡强 张凌凡 郑雅文 夏菖佑
- CAI Qiang ZHANG Lingfan ZHENG Yawen XIA Changyou
- 摘要:
碳减排已成为国际社会的共识,传统的碳减排政策更多注重从“供给侧”发力,抓住主要碳排放源而忽视社会面参与在应对气候变化中的巨大潜力。文章以阿里巴巴碳中和行动为例,分析了在互联网3.0 背景下,互联网平台因其联结性、数据能力和影响力,具备引导和动员社会面参与碳减排的能力,但企业追求利润最大化与应对气候变化之间依然存在矛盾,可通过加强顶层设计、赋予平台碳减排法律义务、优化碳市场激励机制、完善平台公司治理体系以及创新减排模式应对气候变化。 - 关键词:
平台治理;气候变化;碳减排;阿里巴巴;社会面参与; - Abstract: Carbon emission reduction has become the consensus of the international community. The traditional policies pay more attention to the supply-side structural reform, focusing on the main sources of carbon emissions and ignoring the great potential of social participation. Taking Alibaba carbon neutrality action as an example, the article analyzes that the internet platform has the ability to guide and mobilize social participation in carbon emission reduction due to its connectivity, data capabilities and influence under the Web 3.0 circumstances. However, there are still contradictions between enterprises’ pursuit of profit maximization and coping with climate change. We can strengthen top-level design, grant legal obligations to the platform for carbon emission reduction, optimize the carbon market incentive mechanism, improve the corporate governance system of platforms and Innovate emission reduction models for climate change.
- Key words: platform governance; climate change; carbon emission reduction; Alibaba; social participation
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