  • 规划与建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)01-098-09
  • 中图分类号:X82    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.01.015
  • 项目基金:国家社会科学基金面上项目“山地高密度城市高温热浪灾害防控与管理机制研究”(19BGL004);国家自然科学基金面上项目“既有住宅节能改造的类型学方法及节能潜力研究—以重庆为例”(52078071)。
  • 作者简介:黄海静,女,通信作者,重庆大学建筑城规学院教授、博士生导师,山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室,主要研究方向:绿色低碳建筑与城市气候环境; 介鹏宇,男,重庆大学建筑城规学院研究生,研究方向为城市微气候。
  • 高温热浪期间城市空间热环境特征及人群热舒适度评价研究 ——以重庆渝中区典型空间为例
  • Study on the Characteristics of Urban Space Thermal Environment and the Evaluation of Crowd Thermal Comfort during the High-Temperature Heatwave: A Case Study of Yuzhong District, Chongqing
  • 浏览量:
  • 黄海静 介鹏宇
  • HUANG Haijing JIE Pengyu
  • 摘要:
    针对高密度城市空间的高温热浪问题,以山地城市重庆的核心城区渝中区为例,对商业区、住区、山地公园、滨江公园 3 类 4 种典型城市功能空间进行一个热浪周期的实测,通过空气温度、地表温度、相对湿度、太阳辐射等热环境参数分析,比较不同城市空间热环境特征 ;结合城市人群热舒适相关问卷调研,选取生理等效温度(PET)描述人体热感受,归纳城市空间高温热浪期间对人群热舒适的影响要素及规律,建立夏季室外热舒适度预测模型。显示:1)高温热浪期间热环境受城市空间要素影响且具有差异化特征,老旧住区受高温热浪影响严重,商业区紧随其后,公园绿地较好 ;2)室外热舒适度与空间要素紧密相关,PET、空气温度和地表温度与热感觉和热舒适显著负相关,相对湿度与热感觉和热舒适呈显著正相关,空气温度和热辐射对热舒适度影响较大,相对湿度与地表温度影响相对较小 ;3)合理的空间形态和遮阴规划、植被及水体设置、高蓄热性下垫面等设计要素可缓解高温热浪,降低热中性温度,提高热舒适性。研究结果为山地城市高温热浪形成机制探究及城市空间热环境优化设计提供一定依据。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Addressing the issue of heatwaves in high-density urban spaces, this study examines the core urban area of Yuzhong district in the mountainous city of Chongqing as a case. It measures four types of typical urban functional spaces—commercial areas, residential areas, mountain parks, and riverfront parks—during a heat wave cycle. The study compares the characteristics of high-temperature heat waves across different urban spaces by analyzing thermal environmental parameters such as air temperature, surface temperature, relative humidity, and solar thermal radiation. Furthermore, incorporating questionnaire research on urban population heat comfort, the physiological equivalent temperature (PET) is used to quantify the heat sensation of the human body. This approach helps in identifying the elements and patterns that influence population heat comfort during heat waves in urban spaces and in establishing a predictive model for outdoor heat comfort in summer. The findings indicate that: high-temperature heat waves are influenced by urban spatial elements and exhibit distinct characteristics, with severe heat waves in older residential areas, followed by commercial areas, while park green spaces fare better. Outdoor thermal comfort is closely linked to spatial elements. PET, air temperature, and surface temperature are significantly negatively correlated with thermal sensation and comfort. Conversely, relative humidity has a significantly positive correlation with these factors. Air temperature and thermal radiation notably affect thermal comfort, whereas relative humidity and surface temperature have a comparatively minor impact. Reasonable spatial forms and shading plans, along with the presence of vegetation, water bodies, and materials with high thermal mass, can mitigate high-temperature heat waves, lower the thermal neutral temperature, and enhance thermal comfort.
  • Key words: mountainous high-density cities; high-temperature heat wave; thermal environment; thermal comfort; functional urban space
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