- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)10-0101-07
- 中图分类号:K928 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.10.015
- 作者简介:周祥,广东工业大学建筑与城市规划学院,教授;
- 基于眼动追踪的历史街区意象要 视觉显著性分析 ——以广州永庆坊为例
- is on the Visual Salience of Image Elements of Historical Blocks Based on Eye-Tracking: A Case Study of Yongqingfang, Guangzhou Analysis on the Visual Salience of Image Elements of Historical Blocks Based on Eye-Tracking: A Case Study of Yongqingfang
- 浏览量:
- 周祥 崔栗辰 陈素青 谭子媚
- ZHOU Xiang CUI Lichen CHEN Suqing TAN Zimei
- 摘要:
历史街区城市意象要素是城市空间感知的重要内容。在原有的认知地图问卷调查基础上,以永庆坊为例,以照片和视频为媒介,利用眼动追踪技术定量分析其意象要素视觉显著性的构成特征。首先总结永庆坊认知地图之中意象要素的视觉显著物。其次利用眼动仪展开实验,收集大样本被试的眼动数据,并进行数学统计分析,以静态照片探究单一场景意象要素视觉显著性的构成机制,以动态视频探究不同场景意象要素之间的视觉显著性差异。最终获得历史街区意象要素视觉显著性的构成规律,并为其实践应用提出相关建议。 - 关键词:
眼动追踪;历史街区;城市意象;视觉显著性;永庆坊; - Abstract: The urban imagery elements of historical districts are key components of spatial perception in
cities. Building on previous cognitive map survey research, this study uses Yongqingfang as a case study and employs photos and videos as media to quantitatively analyze the visual salience characteristics of its imagery elements using eye-tracking technology. First, the visually salient elements from the cognitive maps of Yongqingfang are summarized. Then, an experiment is conducted using an eye-tracking device to collect eye movement data from a large sample of participants. Statistical analysis is performed to explore the mechanisms of visual salience in single-scene imagery elements through static photos, and to investigate the differences in visual salience among different scene imagery elements through dynamic videos. The study ultimately identifies the patterns of visual salience in historical district imagery elements and offers practical
suggestions for their application.
- Key words: eye-tracking; historical blocks; urban image; visual salience; Yongqingfang
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