- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)10-081-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.10.012
- 项目基金:国家重点研发项目“京张高铁智能化服务关键技术与示范”(2020YFF0304106);中央高校基金重点项目(2021JBWB006)。
- 作者简介:曾忠忠,北京交通大学建筑与艺术学院,副教授,硕士生导师;
张 波,美国俄克拉荷马州立大学,副教授。
- 一体化视角下高铁新城演变效应实证研究 ——以杭州东站城东新城为例
- f High-Speed Railway New Town from the Perspective of Station-City Integration: A Case Study of the Hangzhou East Statioin Chengdong New Town An Empirical Research on the Spatial Pattern Evolution of High-Speed Railway New Town from the Perspective o
- 浏览量:
- 曾忠忠 贺怡 张波
- CAO Zhongzhong HE Yi ZHANG Bo
- 摘要:
以高铁站点为核心,综合发展居住、商业、办公等功能的高铁新城建设模式逐渐被规划开发者所接受。高铁新城的发展是否达到规划预期,高铁站对城市的影响强度是研究的目标。文章以杭州东站所在的城东新城为对象,通过多年卫星地图、空间句法和大数据3种方法,揭示了城东新城12年的发展与站城融合发展预期目标的协同情况。从道路网络构成、房地产开发、商业建设情况、乘客微观感知4个考察维度建立高铁新城演变效应研究体系,证实了该体系对研究站与城关系的科学性和理论性。研究旨在通过综合多种数据采集方法,从城市设计和微观感知角度获得高铁站点对城市的具体发展效应,对我国高铁新城的城市规划评估体系和开发模式提供实证借鉴。 - 关键词:
高铁新城;空间演变;实证研究;大数据; - Abstract: The development model of high-speed rail new towns, centered around high-speed rail and
integrating residential, commercial, and offi ce functions, has gradually gained acceptance among planners and developers. This study aims to assess whether the development of high-speed rail new towns has met the expectations of their plans and to evaluate the impact of high-speed rail stations on cities. Focusing on Chengdong New Town, where Hangzhou East Station is located, the study uses satellite maps over multiple years, space syntax, and big data to reveal the alignment between the 12-year development of Chengdong New Town and the projected goals of station-city integration. By examining four dimensions—road network composition, real estate development, commercial construction, and passengers’ micro-perceptions— the study establishes a research framework to assess the evolution effects of high-speed rail new towns, confirming the scientific and theoretical validity of this framework for exploring the relationship between stations and cities. The research aims to provide empirical insights into the urban planning evaluation system and development model for high-speed rail new towns in China by utilizing various data collection methods and analyzing the development effects of high-speed rail stations on cities from the perspectives of urban design and micro-level perception.
- Key words: high-speed railway new city; spatial evolution; empirical research; big data
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