- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)04-0057-07
- 中图分类号:TU9;TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.04.009
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“土地存量更新模式下城市地下空间的绩效评价方法及规划优化研究—以上海市为例”(42071251)
- 作者简介:董蕴豪,博士,同济大学地下空间研究中心/香港城市大学建筑与土木工程系,博士后研究员;
- 多源时空数据驱动的城市地下空间规划范式变革趋向分析
- The Trend of Paradigm Shift of Underground Space Planning in the Context of Multi-Source Spatiotemporal Data
- 浏览量:
- 董蕴豪 王威汐 乔永康 彭芳乐
- DONG Yunhao WANG Weixi QIAO Yongkang PENG Fangle
- 摘要:
文章分析了复合目标导向下的地下空间规划数据驱动需求,归纳了多源时空数据的基本特征及其地下空间规划应用场景。面向新时代国土空间规划治理的发展要求,从技术方法、成果形式、管控模式、管控要素等角度诠释了多源时空数据环境中的地下空间规划范式变革。针对数据驱动型地下空间规划的现状问题提出了相应的改进策略,并构建了数据驱动型地下空间规划框架。 - 关键词:
多源时空数据;地下空间规划;范式变革; - Abstract: The article analyzes the data-driven requirements for underground space planning under composite goal orientation and summarizes the basic characteristics of multi-source spatiotemporal data and its application scenarios in underground space planning. Aiming at the developmental demands of territorial spatial planning governance in the new era, it interprets the paradigm shift in underground space planning in the multi-source spatiotemporal data environment from perspectives such as technical methods, results forms, control models, and regulatory elements. In response to the current issues of data-driven underground space planning, corresponding improvement strategies are proposed, and a data-driven underground space planning framework is constructed
- Key words: multi-source spatiotemporal data; underground space planning; paradigm shift
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