- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)05-0071-09
- 中图分类号:F127.41 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.05.011
- 项目基金:“十四五”国家重点研发计划项目“城市可持续规划建设与治理的基础理论”(2022YFC3800201)。
- 作者简介:全雨霏,东南大学建筑学院2022级博士研究生,研究方向为城市规划与设计、城市社会学;
- 南京主城区共享单车的骑行环境评估及其优化策略
- Assessment of the Cycling Environment of Shared Bicycles in the Main City of Nanjing and Its Optimization Strategy
- 浏览量:
- 全雨霏 吴晓
- QUAN Yufei WU Xiao
- 摘要:
共享单车的大规模使用,为居民出行带来便利的同时,也引发了城市空间资源分配的一系列问题,对城市空间尤其是骑行环境提出了新要求。在此背景下,文章从南京市主城区遴选典型样本路段,评估共享单车的骑行环境,以探索亟待优化提升的影响因素,再据此提出综合优化策略,提供学术借鉴和实践参照。研究发现 :交通设施与环境以及道路设施的相关指标对骑行环境的影响相对较大 ;用户年龄和单车使用方式是导致人群评价分异的主要个体属性 ;骑行环境的优化提升可从宏观层面的自行车道规划、换乘停放提升以及微观层面的道路断面优化、隔离设施完善等方面入手。 - 关键词:
共享单车;骑行环境评估;优化策略;南京主城区; - Abstract: The large-scale use of shared bicycles not only brings convenience to residents’ travel, but also raises a series of problems in the allocation of urban space resources, which puts forward new requirements for urban space, especially the cycling environment. In this context, typical road sections are selected from the main city of Nanjing to evaluate the cycling environment of shared bicycles and explore the influencing factors that need to be optimized and improved. Based on this, comprehensive optimization strategies are proposed to provide academic and practical reference. The conclusions are as follows: The related indicators of tra ffi c facilities and the environment as well as the road facilities have a relatively large impact on the cycling environment; User age and bicycle usage are the main individual attributes that lead to the differentiation of crowd evaluations; The optimization and enhancement of the cycling environment can be improved from the planning of bicycle lanes, the layout of parking spots, the optimization of road sections and the improvement of isolation facilities.
- Key words: shared bicycle; cycling environment assessment; optimization strategies; the main city of Nanjing
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