- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)05-0092-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.05.014
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(51878393),山东省社科规划研究项目(23JJJ26)
- 作者简介:赵虎,通信作者,博士,山东建筑大学教授、硕导,研究领域为城市与区域规划;
- 双战略作用下的郊区(县)职住空间组织及规划对策研究 ——以济南市长清区为例
- Study on the Organization and Planning Countermeasures of Suburban (County) Job-Housing Space under the Dual Strategy: A Case Study of Changqing District, Jinan City
- 浏览量:
- 赵虎 孟赛赛 王晓彤 董铭慧
- ZHAO Hu MENG Saisai WANG Xiaotong DONG Minghui
- 摘要:
新型城镇化和乡村振兴双战略对郊区(县)的职住组织产生了重要的影响。文章在系统归纳双战略作用下的郊区(县)职住空间组织导向基础上,以济南大都市区的郊区长清区为例,依托一线问卷调查数据和官方统计数据,围绕职住空间要素分布状态和职住组织效率两个方面,从区域、城乡和城区 3 个层次立体分析该区职住空间组织特征,并从目标设定和结构调整两个方面提出针对性的规划对策。 - 关键词:
双战略;郊区;县;;职住空间组织;规划策略;长清; - Abstract: The dual strategy of New Urbanization and Rural Revitalization has had an important impact on the job-housing organization in suburbs (counties). On the basis of systematically summarizing the characteristics of the job-housing spatial organization in suburbs (counties) under the dual strategy, this paper takes Changqing district, a suburb (county) of Jinan metropolitan area as the main research area. Besides, based on statistical data and questionnaire data, this paper makes a three-dimensional analysis of the spatial organization characteristics of job and housing in this area: regional, urban and rural, and urban districts. Finally, planning countermeasures are proposed, including two planning objectives and three-dimensional spatial structure adjustment.
- Key words: dual strategy; suburb (county); job-housing spatial organization; planning strategy; Changqing
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