- 乡村建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)05-0001-07
- 中图分类号:TU982.29 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.05.001
- 项目基金:国家重点研发计划“传统村落乡土建筑改造利用适应性关键技术”(2020YFC1522300)。
- 作者简介:陈炼,在读博士研究生,西安建筑科技大学;
- 精明收缩视域下的乡村产业:困境解析、逻辑内涵与治理路径
- Rural Industries under Strategic Contraction: Dilemma Analysis, Logical Implications, and Governance Approaches
- 浏览量:
- 陈炼 段德罡 东云龙
- CHEN Lian DUAN Degang DONG Yunlong
- 摘要:
在新型城镇化进程中,乡村需“精明收缩”,乡村产业作为乡村振兴的重要基础,与乡村精明收缩有着最本质的联系,然而,当前乡村产业发展实践与乡村振兴目标不匹配,难以顺应乡村收缩的趋势。文章以“精明收缩”为切入点,深度剖析乡村产业发展面临的现实困境及成因,从价值研判、组织方式、行为逻辑、目标导向 4 个维度解析乡村产业发展的逻辑内涵,在此基础上探讨乡村精明收缩与产业发展的内在关联,提出匹配乡村收缩趋势的产业发展方向转型、构建契合收缩治理的体系化产业调适机制、转变从数字游戏到“村民主体性”产业的行动取向、达成公平与效率兼顾共识逻辑的耦合乡村收缩目标的产业发展路径,以期促进地区乡村产业发展及收缩治理的现代化。 - 关键词:
乡村精明收缩;乡村产业;村民就业;资本下乡;效率与公平; - Abstract: In the process of new urbanization, rural areas need to undergo “strategic contraction”. As a crucial foundation for rural revitalization, rural industries are inherently connected to this strategic contraction. However, current practices in rural industrial development do not align with the goals of rural revitalization and struggle to adapt to the trend of rural contraction. Taking “strategic contraction” as a starting point, this paper deeply analyzes the practical dilemmas and causes faced by the development of rural industries. It explores the logical implications of rural industrial development across four dimensions: value assessment, organizational methods, behavioral logic, and goal orientation. Building on this, the paper investigates the intrinsic link between strategic rural contraction and industrial development, proposing a transformation in the direction of industry development to match the trend of rural contraction. It also suggests building a systematic industrial adjustment mechanism that fits with contraction governance, shifting from a numbers game to an “agricultural community subjectivity” in industrial actions, and developing an industrial path that integrates the goals of rural contraction with a consensus on fairness and efficiency. This aims to promote the modernization of rural industrial evelopment and contraction governance in the region.
- Key words: country shrewdness shrinks; rural industry; villagers employed; capital goes to the countryside; efficiency and fairness
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