- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)05-0085-07
- 中图分类号:TU986.2 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.05.013
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目“城市开放空间系统的构成及服务效能研究”(31971721);国家自然科学基金面上项目“城市化进程中城市绿地空间扩展的动态调控研究”(31570703)。
- 作者简介:闫文萱,南京林业大学风景园林学院,硕士研究生;
- 基于社交媒体数据的多维游憩情绪评价框架研究 ——以南京中心城区城市公园为例
- Multidimensional Recreation Emotion Evaluation Framework Based on Social Media Data: A Case Study of Urban Parks in Central Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 闫文萱 范晨璟 申世广 邱冰
- YAN Wenxuan FAN Chenjing SHEN Shiguang QIU Bing
- 摘要:
利用大量带有情绪标签的社交媒体数据,了解和把握居民在城市公园绿地中的游憩情绪感知体验,为城市公园的改造提升提供策略依据。文章基于城市公园使用者发布的新浪微博数据,在 Rost Content Mining 软件和 BERT 模型的支持下对微博文本进行分类、分析,运用 IPA 分析法构建了游憩区位、环境、设施和感知 4 个维度的情绪评价框架模型,并以位于南京市中心城区的 9 个城市公园为例进行实证研究。研究发现 :(1)居民在城市公园的游憩体验整体上积极正向,游客对于南京中心城区城市公园的总体建设较为满意,其中白鹭洲公园表现最好。(2)从 IPA 分析来看,重要性高—满意度低象限内的,急需改善的因素分别是玄武湖公园和鼓楼公园的游憩区位,莫愁湖公园和古林公园的游憩环境,绣球公园、鼓楼公园和小桃园的游憩感知。使用文章的评价框架,能有效捕捉游憩人群在城市公园中的情绪状态及其影响因素,这对城市公园的更新与改进具有重要的指导意义。 - 关键词:
社交媒体数据;游憩情绪;地方感知;BERT模型;IPA分析; - Abstract: Using a large amount of social media data with emotional tags, we can understand and grasp the residents’ emotional perception experience of recreation in urban parks and green spaces, and provide a strategic basis for the renovation and improvement of urban parks. Based on the Weibo data released by city park users, the paper supported by Rost Content Mining software and BERT deep learning to classify and analyze the Sina Weibo texts, and used IPA analysis to construct a framework model of emotional evaluation in four dimensions: recreation location, environment, facilities and perception, and used nine urban parks located in the central city of Nanjing as examples for empirical research. It was discovered that: (1) Residents’ recreation experience in urban parks was generally positive, and visitors were more satisfied with the overall construction of urban parks in Nanjing’s central city,with Beluga Park performing best. (2) From the IPA analysis, in the high importance-low satisfaction quadrant, the factors in need of improvement are the recreation areas of Xuanwu Lake Park and Drum Tower Park, the recreation environment of Mochou Lake Park and Gulin Park, and the recreation perceptions of Hydrangea Park, Drum Tower Park, and Xiaotao Garden. Using this evaluation framework, we can effectively capture the emotional state of the recreation crowd in urban parks and its influencing factors, which is an important guideline for the renewal and improvement of urban parks.
- Key words: social media data; recreation emotion; place perception; BERT model; IPA analysis
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