  • 城市生态
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2005)01-0016-08
  • 中图分类号:TU991;TU992    文献标识码:B
  • 作者简介:颜京松(1930-),中国科学院南京湖泊与地 理研究所研究员,中国生态学会生态工程专业委员会 主任,国际生态工程学会常务理事。 李黎明,海南开维集团有限公司董事长兼总裁,中国生 态学会生态工程专业委员会委员,从事生态住区的开 发和建设。
  • 住区水环境生态建设探讨
  • The Eco-development for the Aqua-Environment of ResidentialArea
  • 浏览量:
  • 颜京松 李黎明
  • YAN Jing-song LI Li-ming
  • 摘要:
    住区水环境生态建设是住宅和住区生态建设 的有机组成部分,其总原则是整体、协调、自 生、循环。在结构上耦合多个环节,从给排水工 程到水生态工程,系统调度与整合雨水、地下 水、上水 、中水、下水、地表水、废弃水、景观水 等,以给水排水、调节水文、水体自净、供养生 物、保障生物质的生产、维护生物多样性,促进 营养盐和有机质循环,吸尘、减噪,防减热岛效 应,活化生境、美化景观和净化环境,为居民提 供游憩、休闲娱乐等多种服务功能。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: The eco-development of aqua-environment in human settlement is an important, organic part of the residential area. Their fundamental principles for the designing and planning are holism, harmony, self-resiliency, regeneration and circulation. Their measures and technology are systemic regulating and coupling various kinds of water, including supply water, discharged wastewater, gray and black water, rain water, surface and ground water, landscape are provided and suggested. In order to give full play and maximize synchronously the potential of various functions of water and water bodies in residential area, such as supply and discharge of water, adjusting hydrologic processes, fending living things, cushioning interfere, promoting nutrients cycling, biomass production, maintaining biodiversity, absorb dust, regulating microclimate, decreasing confusion of voice, activating habitat, beautifying landscape and surroundings, preventing heat island effect, providing education, esthetics, art, edifying sentiment, lie fallow and amusement for residents are integrated.
  • Key words: human settlement; ecological
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