- 争鸣之声
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2005)10-0016-05
- 中图分类号:TU984.11 文献标识码:C
- 作者简介:王学理,陕西省考古研究所研究员。
- 文化遗产上的“没文化”之举——仅通过西安大雁塔北广场“书法地景”这一窗口看城市造景之谬误
- No Culture Act on Cultural Heritage: The Falsehood of UrbanLandscape Making from the ‘Calligraphy Landscape’ On the NorthernSquare of Wide Goose Tower,Xi’an
- 浏览量:
- 王学理
- WANG Xue-li
- 摘要:
养的缺乏。 - 关键词:
国保单位;书法地景;寓教于乐;书风日下; - Abstract: Wide Goose Tower belongs to national
preservation unit, and Cien Temple is also an historic
cultural relic. Near such a world famous site
there is a pleasure ground, which makes the world
famous cultural relic site been flooded by manmad
landscapes. The Northern square of Wide
Goose Tower covers a large area, being large in
scale, stiff in design, rough in engieering, no cg. In
addition to restate the errors of Tang’s poet emerged
in the newspapers, the author criticizes the calligraphy
landscape critically. To place the world famous
Chinese calligraphy on the ground, being
trampled by the tourists, is neither serious no
misleading, indicating the lack of cultural attainment
of the designers.
- Key words: national preservation unit; calligraphylandscape; merger of education and joy; degradadegradation
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