- 城市更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2005)11-0022-05
- 中图分类号:C912.81 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:卢源,同济大学城市规划系在读博士
- 论旧城改造规划过程中弱势群体的利益保障
- Protection of the Inferior Group in Plan Making Processes of City Renewal
- 浏览量:
- 卢源
- LU Yuan
- 摘要:
当前我国旧城改造规划的制定过程普遍采用决策式方式进行。决策过程的封闭性和简单化处理方式正是造成弱势群体在旧城改造规划中难于实现利益表达的根本原因。本文通过剖析决策式规划对弱势群体利益表达的影响,主张将当前改造规划的制定方式转化成系统化、参与性的政策制定过程,从而建造各个群体参与的平台,为弱势群体的政策参与和利益表达创造最佳条件,实现旧城改造的社会目的。 - 关键词:
决策;政策;旧城改造;弱势群体; - Abstract: Nowadays, in plan making processes of city renewal, the decision making is extensively adopted rather than policy making course,which is the radical cause of the scene that in city renewal the interests of the inferior group are often ignored. In this article we try to probe the compound impacts on the inferior group from current plan making processes of city renewal.And based on that, we insist to change the plan making process from audacious decision making to systematic policy making courses, so as to construct the effective platform for participations of all pertinent interest groups including the inferior one.
- Key words: decision making; policy making;city renewal; inferior group
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