- 城市更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2005)11-0037-04
- 中图分类号:TU984.11 文献标识码:I
- 作者简介:刘兆兵,四川建设网政策法规编辑
- 以人为本,阳光拆迁——成都旧城改造模式浅析
- Satisfaction of the Removed as the Principle: A Study of the Way of Chengdu's Renewal
- 浏览量:
- 刘兆兵
- LIU Zhao-bing
- 摘要:
旧城改造是一项系统的拆迁工程,关乎国计民生。如何在改造进程中顺利实施拆迁,做到拆迁各方都能够和谐,值得现代城市建设者研究和分析。成都市旧城改造中形成的独特的“成都模式”值得思考和借鉴。 - 关键词:
拆迁;补偿;人性;和谐; - Abstract: To rebuild the old city is to systematically put down old buildings and to rehouse inhabitants which involves the country and the people. How to smoothly undertake the task, and at the same time balance benefits of those who are concerned? This is a question well deserve experts' study and analysis. The successful renewal of Chengdu City sets a good example and provides valuable experience
- Key words: dismantling; compensate;humanity; harmony
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