- 城市研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2005)12-0062-06
- 中图分类号:TU984.11 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:朱东风,男,东南大学建筑学院博士生,江苏省城市发展研究所副所长
- 城市空间研究回顾与展望——兼论城市空间主客体性的融合
- Review And Prospect: Integrating the Subjectivity and Objectivity of Urban Spatial Researches
- 浏览量:
- 朱东风
- ZHU Dong-feng
- 摘要:
从城市空间研究理论的主客体属性出发,将中外城市空间研究分为四类。认为当前城市空间研究的理论视点存在主客体分离现象,这不利于对城市空间特征及其社会性关系的把握。提出在当前国内城市空间研究呈现制度文化转向和科学实证转向的双轨转型时期,通过对蕴含社会性的城市空间自组织规律的研究,有利于实现研究对象主客体属性的统一,使城市空间研究具有社会逻辑下的空间科学性。 - 关键词:
城市空间研究;主客体性分离;空间自组织;集成; - Abstract: With analysis of subjectivity and objectivity of urban space, there are four categories among all kinds of urban spatial studies.Because of the detachment of subjectivity and objectivity, it is so hard for all these researches to grasp the relations between urban space and its socialites. In the term of transform of institution, cultural and positivism in urban studies of China today, the view of researches must pay attention on self-organization rules of urban space with socialites, in order to realize the unity of subjectivity and objectivity and the scientific researches of urban space with social logical.
- Key words: researches of urban space; detachment of subjectivity and objectivity; spatial selforganization; integrating
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