- 城市交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2005)12-0032-06
- 中图分类号:TU984.11 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:周文竹(1979-),女,陕西长安人,东南大学交通学院博士研究生,从事交通规划与管理研究
- 南京轨道交通规划建设对城市发展的影响
- Rapid Rail Traffic System and Urban Development in Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 周文竹 刘吉 李铁柱
- ZHOU Wen-zhu LIU Ji LI Tie-zhu
- 摘要:
发展城市轨道交通是实现南京城市可持续发展的根本保证。本文首先对快速轨道交通与南京城市空间结构的相关关系进行了阐述,然后在快速轨道交通的建设对于南京商业中心、沿线土地利用、沿线房产价格的影响等方面也进行了一定研究,最后提出了基于南京城市发展的轨道线网规划设想。 - 关键词:
轨道交通;城市发展;空间结构;土地利用;物业开发; - Abstract: The development of urban rail traffic is the core issue of the sustainable development for Nanjing city. The relationship between rail traffic and urban space structure of Nanjing was discussed in this paper. The impact of rapid rail traffic on the business center, land-use and estate price are also studied. The planning of rail traffic network is conceived. This has significant reference values.
- Key words: rail traffic; urban development;space structure; land use; estate development
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