- 城市水环境保护、利用生态工程2005年论坛
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2005)04-0007-04
- 中图分类号:X37 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:颜京松(1930-),中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所研究员,中国生态学会荣誉理事、生态工程专业委员会主任,国际生态工程学会常务理事。长期从事生态学,生态工程研究。
- 城市水环境问题的生态实质
- The Problems of Water Environment in the Urban and TheirEco-Essence
- 浏览量:
- 颜京松 王美珍
- YAN Jing-song WANG Mei-zhen
- 摘要:
当前我国城市在水资源、水环境、水安全、水景观、水生境等方面存在很多问题。如水资源的供需矛盾;水旱灾害威胁增大;水质污染日益加剧;地下水超量开采,地下水水位下降;水体生态系统结构、功能的失调和破坏;忽略自然生态用水、破坏了原有自然景观和生态平衡等。这些问题的生态实质和根本原因是资源代谢在时间、空间尺度上的生态滞留或耗竭;系统耦合在结构、功能关系上的错位和失谐;社会行为在经济和生态、局部和整体关系上的短见和缺损,冲突和失调。 - 关键词:
生态建设;水的保护;水环境;生态工程; - Abstract: There are usually some main problems for the water environment in the urban development,such as water lavishness, environment pollution, flood and water-logging, structure and function of ecosystem,and landscape be destroyed. The eco-essence of these problems are the ecological stagnancy and exhaustion resulted from resource input-output in the spatial and temporal scale; misplacement and disharmony in the system structure, function and between structure and function; misplacement and disharmony between the system structure and function; short-sighted social activity and the collision between ecology and economy, parts and the whole.
- Key words: ecological development; ecological Engineering; aqua-environment; water protectionua-environment; water protection.
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