  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2005)05-00047-06
  • 中图分类号:X37    文献标识码:B
  • 作者简介:陈开宁(1964-),博士,中国科学院南京地理 与湖泊研究所湖泊资源与环境研究室,主要从事湖泊 生态学、水生植物学、水域生态系统修复等方面研究; 邹晶(1970-),工程师,无锡市太湖湖泊治理有限责任 公司,从事太湖水污染治理与管理; 陈晓峰,南京农业大学生命科学院硕士研究生。
  • 五里湖富营养水体生态重建试验
  • Lake Ecological Restoration in Wuli Lake
  • 浏览量:
  • 陈开宁 邹晶 陈晓峰 胡洪云 兰策介 许海
  • CHEN Kain-ing ZOU Jing CHEN Xiao-feng HU Hong-yun LAN Ce-jie XU Hai
  • 摘要:
    为了改善五里湖水环境,从2002年起,展开对 五里湖及其周边地区综合整治、西五里湖生态 重建与示范工程。初步结果表明,西五里湖水 质得到一定的改善,水体透明度也有所提高, 尤其是示范工程区内透明度的平均值比湖区 的高1.6倍。最好的水质出现在示范工程区内, 与未进行生态恢复的东五里湖相比,水体中的 TN、TP、Chl.a、NH4-N及NO2-N均有较大幅度降 低,但CODMn、NO3-N、SD差异不大。湖滨生态景 观有了较大改善,建立了具有生态景观效果的 芦苇、狭叶香蒲、水菖蒲、水生类鸢尾及美人蕉 等湖滨湿地近1.0万m2;在敞水区恢复了浮叶、 沉水植物超过3.5万m2。通过生态重建实践,对 浅水湖泊生态恢复提出了建议。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Lake restoration in West Lake Wuli (in the northern of Lake Taihu in China) has involved the use of multiple restoration techniques, all aiming to improve lake water quality, decrease biomass of undesired algae and establishing clear-water phase. Main measures include decrease in external nutrient loading, sediment dredging, fishpond removal for enlarging capacity of this lake, fish removal, Shore and bottom of the lake rehabilitating, piscivore fish stocking, aquatic macrophytes transplant, improving stabilized ecosystem. The results show that water quality has been improved in West Wuli Lake. Secchi depth was increased 1. 6 times in a large enclosure. Comparing with East Wuli Lake (no eco-restoration measures), TN, TP, Chl.a NH4-N and NO2-N in West Wuli Lake have been reduced in a large extent. However, there were not markedly variable in content of CODMn and NO3-N. There was a clear-water state in Wuli Lake in relation to impact of zooplankton from April to May. The ecological view of shore of this lake was improved. The area of 10000 m2 wetlands in shore was established. The coverage of submerged macrophytes rehabilitated was up to 40% in the large enclosure. In addition, strategy of lake restoration, biomanipulation and submerged macrophytes rehabilitation were discussed.
  • Key words: a comprehensive plan;ecologicalrestoration;aquatic macrophytes implantation;
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