- 城市生态
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2005)05-0040-07
- 中图分类号:X37 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介::李黎明,中国生态学会生态工程专业委员
- 扬州海德公园生态住区建设
- The Construction of Ecological Residential Community at HaidePark in Yangzhou City
- 浏览量:
- 李黎明 王彬 陈俊伯
- LI Li-ming WANG Bin CHEN Jun-bo
- 摘要:
通风效率; 再生能源的利用(太阳能);协调
交通道路和路面与生态环境等。 - 关键词:
人居生态小区;给水;排水;污水处理和利用; - Abstract: Haide Park, as one of the demonstration
for the ecological residential community in
Yangzhou city is being constructed. It mainly
contains that enlarges source and economizes
on use water, supply water separately by different
quality for different use. The rain and wastewater
are treated and reused on the sport. The
water quality and multi-functions of landscape
water-bodies are conserved, controlled and managed
by ecological measures, including protection
of bank by approx-natural methods; planting
and cultivating some aquatic vegetation and
animals to purify water quality, as well as
beautifying. The exchange of heat between the
buildings and outer environment is improved to
maintain suitable temperature in the building .
by natural ventilation and lighting and use thermal
insulation material. The renew energy and
sunlight are utilized by more measures to save
energy. The communication in the residential
area is harmonized with environment.
- Key words: ecological residential community;
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