  • 城市研究
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2005)06-0063-07
  • 中图分类号:C924.23    文献标识码:A
  • 作者简介:刘振宇(1980-),女,华东师范大学人口研 究所硕士研究生; 乔观民(1971-),男,华东师范大学人口研究所博士研 究生,宁波大学建筑工程与环境学院教师; 丁金宏,华东师范大学人口研究所所长,教授,博导
  • 上海浦东极化开发下的外来人口特征分析与思考
  • The Characteristics of Floating Population under PolarizationDevelopment: Analysis and Reflection
  • 浏览量:
  • 刘振宇 乔观民 丁金宏
  • LIU Zhen-yu QIAO Guan-min DING Jin-hong
  • 摘要:
    本文以浦东为例,探讨了该区域外来人口具 有在年龄结构上以年轻化为主的劳动力资源 特征、外来人口在来源地上具有一定的地域 集中性、职业构成的变化与极化开发的阶段 密切相关、以家庭为主的迁移趋势逐渐增强。 外来人口在集聚的同时也存在社会极化现象, 具体表现在收入、居住和空间占据方面,而 导致外来人口社会极化的主要因素有受教育 年限、专业的职业培训和所从事的职业类别。 外来人口正在成为城市的新贫困阶层。在此 基础上,根据外来人口特征提出解决社会极 化要注意的几个问题:1、空间极化导致社会 重构问题;2、坚持人力资本利用与开发相结 合,减少社会极化;3、给外来人口平等地享 有城市社会公共设施机会,减少动态社会极 化;4、坚持以服务为导向,加强城乡结合部 的管理。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Polarization Development is a typical process of capital-induced centralization of labor force, which leads to regional rapid urbanization. In this process, the floating population plays an important role. By investigation in Pudong District, Shanghai, the following characteristics are explored among its floating population: labor resources mainly consists of young people; the floating population is mainly from several provinces and regions; its occupation structure is highly related with the stages of polarized development; whole-family immigrant is more and more dominant. Centralization and social polarization are concurrent among the floating population, which is reflected by income, residence and occupied space. Main factors of social polarization are schooling years, occupational training and occupation. Floating people is becoming the new poverty-stricken level of the society. On the basis of the above analysis, the following issues are presented in accordance with the characteristics of floating population: (a) social restructuring induced by space polarization; (b) adhere to integration of utilization and development of human resources; (c) open opportunities for utilizing of social public facilities for the floating population and (d) adhere to service-oriented management of fringe area of urban and suburban. To sum up, polarized development is a process of emergence of social community. As the vulnerable group, floating population is marginalized by the society. This issue will be attached great importance to the choosing of ways of urbanization and social sustainable development. To solve this problem, step by step working methods, sound and solid preparation are suggested.
  • Key words: Polarized Development; floatingpopulation; social polarization; community
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