- 古建、名城保护
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2005)08-0050-08
- 中图分类号:TU984.11 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:金剑波,男,国家注册规划师,建筑师,浙江台州市建设规划局路桥规划管理处;
- “传承和复兴”滨水历史商业街区的规划实践——以台州路桥为例
- Planning Practices to Inherit and Revive the City Historical Riverside
- 浏览量:
- 金剑波 周海蓉
- JIN Jian-bo ZHOU Hai-rong
- 摘要:
南官河畔的台州路桥十里长街,是一典型滨水历史街区,本文力求从实际出发,在滨水历史街区的更新规划的过程中,如何确立历史商业街区的城市特征价值,研究体现城市历史特征的构成元素,挖掘滨水历史街区的核心原形空间,从而明确保护城市历史文脉、复兴商贸街区、增添城市活力。 - 关键词:
城市特征价值;滨水历史商业街区;水街商埠、多元化; - Abstract: The enchantment of the historical city is the root in the variety and history, the city historical riverside district is the resource of city development and the city’s historical character. The renewal of the city historical district is holding the responsibility of the city’s past and the future. Luqiao is a city located by Nanguan river, So how to evaluate the city’s characteristic value, and to analyze the element of the city’s historical character, is of importance to urban future development. From the core space of the historical district we can realize the goal of renewal the city historical district and upgrade the city vitality.
- Key words: city’s characteristic value; city historical riverside district; urban waterfront commercial district; multiplicity
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