- 文章编号:1009-6000(2005)08-0009-05
- 中图分类号:TU984.11 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:奚江琳,女,解放军理工大学工程兵工程学院防护建筑教研室副教授;
- 地铁应对恐怖袭击的安全设计及建筑措施探讨
- On the Safety Design and Building Measures for Subway against Terrorist Attacks
- 浏览量:
- 奚江琳 王海龙 张涛
- XI Jiang-lin WANG Hai-long ZHANG Tao
- 摘要:
地铁作为一种高风险建筑,面临各种形式的恐怖威胁。本文分析了可能威胁到地铁运营安全的爆炸、生化及放射性袭击、纵火等主要恐怖活动,并从地铁设计、现行地铁设计规范、制度管理、设备设施等各方面给出了应对恐怖袭击的解决方案。 - 关键词:
地铁;恐怖袭击;建筑;设备;安全预防; - Abstract: Subway is faced with the terroristic threat of various forms as a kind of high risk building. This paper analyses the possible major terroristic campaigns that are threats to the safe subway operation, such as explosive, biochemical and radioactive attack, and arson. And from each aspects such as subway design, current subway design specification, system management and equipment facility, gives the solving schema to cope with terror attacked campaigns.
- Key words: subway; terroristic attack;construct; equipment; safe prevention
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