- 城市经营
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2005)08-0026-03
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:郑小明(1964-),男,四川安岳人,成都市规划局副总规划师,高级工程师
- 香港特区“经营城市”的启示
- The Enlightenment of Hong Kong’s Experience in City Management
- 浏览量:
- 郑小明
- ZHENG Xiao-ming
- 摘要:
通过作者对香港特区政府 “经营城市”的亲身经历和考察,从经营运作理念、管制监控法规和实用操作技术三个层面,归纳出香港“经营城市”的四大特点,并结合内地的普遍情况及面临的主要问题作出评论,发掘出四点启示,以期大胆“拿来”、少走弯路,提高内地城市政府“经营城市”的能力。 - 关键词:
经营城市;香港;启示; - Abstract: Based on the personal experience inspecting and researching on city management of HKSAR government, the author summarizes four characteristics of HK city management in management concept, control institution and operation skill. It also puts forward some enlightenment enhancing the concept and ability to manage and operate city for inland municipal governments through combining the common situation and major problems in Chinese inland cities with the circumstance in HK.
- Key words: city management; Hong Kong; enlightenment
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