  • 热点聚焦
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2005)09-0013-12
  • 中图分类号:TU984.11    文献标识码:B
  • 作者简介::刘雪梅(1978-),女,广东高州人,中山大学 旅游发展与规划研究中心硕士,研究方向为区域发展 与旅游规划,现就职于王志纲工作室; 保继刚(1964- ),男,云南个旧人,教授、博士生导师, 中山大学地理科学与规划学院、旅游学院院长,主要从 事旅游地理和旅游规划研究。
  • 国外城市滨水区再开发实践与研究的启示
  • The Practice of Waterfront Redevelopment in Foreign Countries andits Enlightenment
  • 浏览量:
  • 刘雪梅 保继刚
  • LIU Xue-mei BAO Ji-gang
  • 摘要:
    虽然城市滨水区的开发在中国尚处于起步阶 段,但在国外却已经走了40多年或成功、或失 败、或得失相伴的路,可以成为国内实践的一 块明镜。借鉴国外学者对这一现象所作的多角 度观察和研究,可以得到一点最根本的认识和 启示,就是:城市滨水区再开发是一个有着高 度复杂性的现象,它所包含的问题不仅仅涉及 物质层面,更有着经济、社会和政治层面上的 深刻内涵,若仅从一个片面去了解或讨论,则 容易形成“盲人摸象”般的认识。因此,本文试 图在各个层面上综述国外的实践和研究,以形 成对这一现象的深入认识,进而帮助对国内城 市滨水区开发作的考察和研究。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Although the development of waterfront in China has just begun, more then forty years has passed in foreign countries in the development of waterfront, with success or failure or the combination of them. The development road of water development in foreign countries can be a bright mirror for the Chinese related practices. Based on the reference of multidimensional investigations and researches in foreign countries, a vital enlightenment and understanding can be achieved, that the redevelopment of waterfront is a very complex phenomenon, involving not only the material dimension, but also economic, social and political dimensions. If we just discuss or understand one of the varied dimensions, we maybe get the understanding of the blind man and the elephant or taking a part from the whole. So the paper tries to summarize the practices and researches at all levels in foreign countries, and to get a thorough cognition with the aim of helping the related studies and investigations in China.
  • Key words: foreign country; waterfront;
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