- 生态城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)01-0015-10
- 中图分类号:TU985.12 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:杨沛儒,台湾大学工学博士,美国麻省理工学院(MIT)硕士,现为新加坡国立大学设计与环境学院建筑系助理教授。
- 高密度城市环境的生态设计——高雄洲仔湿地的城市生态思考
- Ecological Design in High-Density Urban Environment: Urban Ecological Thinking of Kaohsiung Zou-Zai Wetland Park
- 浏览量:
- 杨沛儒
- Perry YANG
- 摘要:
本文探讨了位于自然、城市和基础设施彼此相互混杂景观中的城市湿地的生态设计方法。相对于远离城市的自然环境湿地,洲仔湿地的恢复可以说是一个如何将“自然引入城市”的典范。洲仔湿地邻近高雄高速铁路站,周围环绕不断发展中的高密度住宅群,在这个特殊的地理位置中,却具有丰富的景观多样性和贯穿全区的生态流。为解决在湿地恢复过程中所遇到的三个问题(自然与人类行为之间的冲突;野生生物生境和城市公园之间的冲突;自然与城市基础设施之间的冲突),提出了三个城市生态愿景,重新定义了“人地关系”,同时也提出了在高密度城市居住环境中,设计可以作为生态介入的观点。 - 关键词:
湿地恢复;生态设计;景观生态;城市生态; - Abstract: An approach to ecological design of urban wetland was proposed based on the hybrid landscape of nature, city and infrastructure in an intensive urban living environment. Compared with the wetlands in the remote areas with low accessibility, the restoration process of Zou-Zai neighbourhood抯 wetland showcases a new paradigm of 揵ringing nature back to the city? We observe a rich biodiversity of wildlife and ecological flow across the specific geographic location adjacent to Kaohsiung high-speed rail terminal and surrounding residential development. From the perspective of landscape ecology, the Zou-Zai urban wetland is a typical 搒tepping stone? in the context of regional-landscape ecological network. It brings the ecological flows and quality into a high-density urban living environment. Three urban ecological scenarios were proposed for addressing three urban ecological issues, the conflict between nature and human activity, the wildlife habitat and urban park as well as nature and urban infrastructure. The three scenarios redefine the human-nature relationship and provide the proposition of design as an ecological intervention in a high-density urban living environment.
- Key words: wetland restoration; ecological design; landscape ecology; urban ecology
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