- 特稿
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)01-0007-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:万勇,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院城市规划系博士研究生,注册城市规划师,中国城市规划学会会员;
- 自组织理论与现代城市发展
- Self-Organizing Theory and Modern Urban Development
- 浏览量:
- 万勇 王玲慧
- WAN Yong WANG Ling-hui
- 摘要:
从朴素的自组织思想,到科学的自组织理论,都是对广义自然界进化——发展现象最一般规律的感性认识和理性思考。文章首先对自组织理论的概念、特征、机制、应用和发展进行了简要的归纳和描述,然后对自组织理论在城市发展中的现实意义和若干表现进行了简要分析,最后提出自组织理论对现代城市规划的一些启示。 - 关键词:
; - Abstract: Whatever simple self-organizing idea and scientific self-organizing theory, they are the sensory understanding and theoretical thinking of the most common rule of advance and development phenomenon of the nature. The thesis begins with the concept, character, mechanism, application and development of scientific self-organizing theory briefly. Secondly, the thesis analyses the realistic meaning and representation of self-organizing theory in urban development. At last, the thesis puts forward some revelation of self-organizing theory to modern urban planning theory.
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