- 城市研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)11-0070-05
- 中图分类号:C921.81 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(40471043)项目和陕西省教育厅基金项目(04JK172)部分成果。
- 作者简介:秦瑞英,中山大学地理科学与规划学院城市与区域规划中心在读博士,研究方向为城市地理学;
- 西安城市居民对营业性游憩场所的社会功效感知研究
- On the Perception of the Social Efficacy of Xi’an’ Residents to the Commercial Recreational Places
- 浏览量:
- 秦瑞英 李开宇
- QIN Rui-ying LI Kai-yu
- 摘要:
随着我国社会经济迅速发展与人们闲暇时间增多,营业性游憩场所成为城市居民生活空间的重要构成部分,成为城市居民生活空间质量高低的具体表现和城市地理学研究关注的焦点。本文通过对西安市西南高新区四个社区居民的问卷调查,结合人本主义方法探讨了西安市营业性游憩场所的类型、空间分布以及社会功效,认为营业性游憩场所已构成中国大城市生活空间的消费景观,并具有城市居民社会网络的场所交往功效。 - 关键词:
营业性游憩场所;社会功效;西安市; - Abstract: With the rapid development of the urbanization, the advancement of urban residents抍ultural quality and their rising income, and their prolonged leisure time, the commercial recreational places have played an important role in the daily life for the urban people, which reflects the quality of the urban living spaces, and have become a focus in the academic circle. Based on the questionnaire and investigation, from the perspective of humanism, the authors take Xi'an as an example, trying to discuss the types, the spatial distribution and the social spatial efficacy in Xi'an city. Finally, this paper draws a conclusion that the commercial recreational places have formed a consumption landscape in the urban living spaces in China, and have possessed the intercourse efficacy in the urban residents' social networks.
- Key words: commercial recreation places; social efficacy; Xi抋n city
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