- 城市研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)11-0062-08
- 中图分类号:TU984.11 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:邓凌云(1979-),女,硕士,长沙规划信息服务中心;
- 中国“硬发展”背景下的城市扩张
- The Urban Extensions Against the Background of ‘Hard Development’ in China
- 浏览量:
- 邓凌云 洪亮平
- DENG Ling-yun HONG Liang-ping
- 摘要:
近十年来,中国的经济增长以及城市化发展具有“硬发展”的特点,即:第一,以增量为目标而忽视发展的高成本;第二,过分强调用行政手段推动经济及城市化发展;第三,经济、社会、环境发展不平衡。因此,在城市发展上,“硬发展”导致城市范围低效盲目的扩张,土地资源浪费,城市运行成本增加以及城市财政透支。本文运用社会统计学的方法,运用大量数据表格分析了“硬发展”背景下的城市扩张及其原因,并提出“科学发展观”指导下城市该如何合理发展。 - 关键词:
中国;硬发展;城市扩张;科学发展观; - Abstract: The economic growth and urbanization development in China in the last decade takes on the characteristics of 慼ard development? Firstly, the aim is the increment, ignoring the high cost of development; Secondly, the overdependence of administrative measures to promote economic and urbanization; and thirdly, the development imbalance of economy, society and environment. As to the urban development, hard development leads to the uncontrolled blind extension of urban area, the waste of land resources, the increase of urban operating costs and the urban financial overdraft. With the help of social statistical methods, this paper analyzes the urban spread and its causes against the context of hard development, using large amount of data and tables, and provides the rational development mode under the guidance of 憇cientific development notion?
- Key words: China; hard development; urban extension; scientific development notion
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