- 创意经济
- 中图分类号:F120.3 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:周灵雁(1981-),女,上海师范大学旅游学院人文地理专业,在读硕士研究生,研究方向为城市土地利用与投资环境分析研究;
李萍萍(1982-),上海师范大学旅游学院人文地理专业,在读硕士研究生,研究方向为 城市土地利用与投资环境分析研究。
- 上海创意产业空间集聚研究
- The Space Agglomeration of Creative Industry in Shanghai
- 浏览量:
- 周灵雁 褚劲风 李萍萍
- ZHOU Ling-yan CHU Jin-feng LI Ping-ping
- 摘要:
本文从地理学角度对上海创意产业的空间集聚现象进行探讨,根据行业类型的不同对上海的创意产业集聚区进行分类,认为上海的创意产业中设计类行业空间集聚最明显。上海创意产业集聚区的区位特征表现在,集聚区集中分布在市中心区域,内紧外松、内小外大行业集聚的空间分异明显,高校创意产业集聚群已显现。本文还为上海创意产业的发展提出了建议。 - 关键词:
创意产业;空间集聚;区位特征; - Abstract: Creative industries are developed rapidly in Shanghai in recent years. This paper studies the space agglomeration phenomenon of creative industry in Shanghai. We found out that the creative industry mainly centralize in the urban center , and the different industries have different features of space agglomeration. Creative industry zones in centre of Shanghai are more than exurban, but the scale is smaller. There are a lot of creative industry zones around universities and scientific research institutions. In addition, we also try to propose some advice for the development of creative industry in Shanghai.
- Key words: creative industry; space agglomeration; location characteristic
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