- 城市规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)12-0071-06
- 中图分类号:TU984.11 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:潘世年(1964-),男、安徽桐城人、南京工业大学基建处土木工程师;
- 南京工业大学江浦校区规划浅折
- Simple Introduction to the Layout of Jiangpu Campus, NJUT
- 浏览量:
- 潘世年 丘建发
- PAN Shi-nian QIU Jian-fa
- 摘要:
设计人本化、生态化的现代大学校园是新世纪大学校园设计的发展方向,在南京工业大学江浦校区规划设计方案中,面对复杂地形,如何整合新旧校区,如何解决校园交通联系,实现建筑与生态环境结合创造特色校园等方面作了积极的尝试与探索。 - 关键词:
校园规划;人本主义;生态优先;道路交通;结合地形; - Abstract: It抯 the tendency of the campus in new century to be designed human-oriented and ecological. Facing the varied and large area, the blueprint of the Jiangpu Campus, NJUT, makes vigorous tries and explorations in the integration of the new and the old, in the commute of different campus, in the harmony of the architecture and environment, producing the campus features by the complicate terrain.
- Key words: layout of the campus; humanism; priority of ecology; commute; in accordance with terrain
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