- 城市研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)12-0045-06
- 中图分类号:F293.3 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:许彦曦(1972-),女,硕士,工作单位为深圳龙岗规划交通研究中心,主要从事城市规划、城市经济等研究工作;
- 深圳市住宅用地市场评价
- Evaluation of Housing Land Market in Shenzhen City
- 浏览量:
- 许彦曦 林晨
- XU Yan-xi LIN Chen
- 摘要:
在分析房地产市场系统及深圳市住宅用地供应现状的基础上,建立住宅用地供应预警指标体系。通过对各单项指标的评价,深圳市住宅用地市场的大部分指标处于合理区间,表明了深圳市土地市场的相对平稳、房地产市场的相对成熟以及与经济发展水平的协调度相对较高。 - 关键词:
住宅用地;市场;深圳市; - Abstract: Housing land supply early-warning index system is established on the base of analyzing the real estate market system and housing land supply in Shenzhen city. Through the evaluation of each index, most indexes of Shenzhen city抯 housing land market are in the reasonable range, indicating that in Shenzhen city the land market is relatively steady, the real estate market is relatively mature, and the economy development coordination degree is relatively high.
- Key words: housing land; market; Shenzhen city
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