- 城市研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)12-0051-05
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:马秀贞(1965-),女,青岛市委党校(青岛行政学院)经济学部,主要从事教学和科研工作。
- 产业集群与区域投资环境关系解析及政策建议
- Relation Analysis about Industrial Cluster with Region Investment Environment and Its Policy Suggestions
- 浏览量:
- 马秀贞
- MA Xiu-zhen
- 摘要:
产业集群与投资环境之间具有互动关系。良好的投资环境会埋下产业集群的种子,产业集群具有改善地方投资环境的内在机理。发展产业集群改善投资环境,政府应起催化剂、润滑剂或者桥梁作用,应实施有效的产业集群战略和积极的产业集群政策,产业集群落后地区的政府应尽快转变角色定位,调整公共支出的方向,将投资重点放在改善产业集群的软硬环境上。 - 关键词:
产业集群;区域投资环境;政府; - Abstract: Between the industrial cluster and the investment environment has the interaction relations. The good investment environment can bury the industrial cluster with seed, the industrial cluster has the ability to improve the local investment environment. In the development of industry cluster and improving the investment environment, the government should get up the role of catalyst, the lubricant or the bridge, should implement the effective industrial cluster strategy and the positive industrial cluster policy, in the industrial cluster less developed area the government should transform the role as soon as possible, adjust the public disbursement direction, with emphasis on in the improvement of industry cluster's soft and hard environments.
- Key words: industrial cluster; region investment environment; government
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