- 城市循环经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2006)02-0005-06
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金(05XRK010)项目资助
- 作者简介:段汉明,西北大学城市与资源学系教授,研究方向为城市结构与城市环境;
- 循环经济视点下的城市超循环体系
- Urban Super-Circulation System under Circular Economy View
- 浏览量:
- 段汉明 苏敏
- DUAN Han-ming SU Min
- 摘要:
在循环经济的建设过程中,如何构建城市的超循环体系?文章从循环经济的视点,分析城市系统中的超循环基础,认为城市超循环体系可分为企业、产业、城市、区域四个层面,每个层面循环的体系、模式、功能、效果均各不相同。从城市资源开发、能源利用及循环经济发展等方面,对城市现状条件进行分析评价,从产业内部循环、产业链、产业间的循环及反馈调控体系等方面建立超循环体系的框架,并认为城市超循环体系具有开放性、复杂性、社会性、自组织与他组织共同作用等基本特征。 - 关键词:
循环经济;城市;超循环体系; - Abstract: How to construct urban super-circulation system in the process of construction of circular economy is an important question. In the light of circular economy, the paper analyzes the factors of super-circulation in urban system. Urban super-circulation system can be divided into four aspects - enterprise, industry, city, region. The system, mode, function, result of the each aspect has nothing in common with each other. On one hand, we should analyze and estimate the existing condition of urban resources exploitation, utilization of energy sources and the development of circle economy, etc; on the other hand, should establish the frame of super-circulation system, from the aspects of circle system inside industry, industry chain, circulation among the industries and feedback and adjust and control system. Urban super-circulation system. has the character of opening, complexity, sociality and self-organization and herter- organization operated together.
- Key words: circular economy; urban; super-circulation system
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